Campaign to end loneliness

Tag Archives: Mental Health

How warmth can alleviate winter loneliness

How warmth can alleviate winter loneliness It’s quite common to feel isolated during the winter months. As the daylight hours reduce and the weather gets colder, the season often brings with it a sense of loneliness and detachment from our social circle.  If we’re cold, we’re much more likely to feel lonely, according to a…
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Mental Health Awareness Week: Training on the psychology of loneliness

Anxiety is the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week. For social anxiety in particular, there is a two-way relationship with loneliness: when we are socially anxious we are more likely to become lonely. When we are lonely, we are more likely to become social anxious.  Given the week, it was fitting to spend…
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The most terrible poverty: Loneliness and mental health

Headlines are full of activities that are bad for our health: we eat too much, we drink, and we don’t get enough exercise. But there’s a hidden factor just as damaging to our mental health – that of loneliness. Research shows that strong, loving relationships are crucial to good physical and mental health, and that…
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