Campaign to end loneliness

Campaign To End Loneliness archive

Monthly Archives: May 2020

Digital by choice

Shelagh Marshall OBE is Chair of Age Action Alliance’s Loneliness and Isolation Working Group. Back in March 2020, she shared her story of loneliness and bereavement after losing her daughter. Since then, Coronavirus has forced us into lockdown and deprived many older people from seeing their families. In this blog, Shelagh shares how she’s staying…
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Loneliness in the time of Covid-19: Five things we learnt from our webinar

Last week we brought together over 150 organisations to share their experiences of working to tackle loneliness during the Coronavirus lockdown. In this blog Kate Jopling shares just some of the things we learnt in the session. Adaptation, adaptation, adaptation Most organisations had been working with people face-to-face up to the point of lockdown, so…
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Coping with loneliness and bereavement during Covid

On Thursday 30 April 2020, we hosted our first virtual Research and Policy Hub meeting on the topic of loneliness and bereavement. In this blog, we look at some of the key findings, evidence, and ideas from the event. What is grief? Does bereavement increase the risk of loneliness? We heard from a range of…
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“For some of our most lonely people, life has always felt like lockdown”

Michelle Dawson, Programme Manager for Ageing Better in Middlesbrough reflects on how her organisation is responding to the new challenges of working on loneliness through lockdown, and what they are learning along the way. The ‘too hard tray’ As the dust begins to settle from the frantic and very impressive response mobilised by our local…
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Losing touch and loneliness: Why it matters and what you can do about it

On 23 April 2020, Kate Shurety took part in an Instagram Live Q&A with Pete Bombaci, Chief Connection Offcer of a Canadian organisation called the GenWell Project. In this blog, she outlines a number of the issues they discussed around loneliness and connection, including how Covid has led to a deficit of touch, and the…
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