Campaign to end loneliness

Tag Archives: workplace

Addressing workplace loneliness this National Inclusion Week

This week is National Inclusion Week (Monday 25 September to 1 October), a week founded by Inclusive Employers that is dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces.  With more than 1 in 10 of us experiencing loneliness at work often or always, fostering a sense of belonging and connection is an…
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BT Care Home Companions: Workplace volunteering to tackle loneliness

The series of lockdown restrictions and social distancing measures had a devastating impact on care homes with many residents feeling isolated and lonely. In this blog, Stacy Young and Katy Goodliffe from BT Care Home Companions share how the project set-up by a group of BT employees in 2020 to help tackle loneliness in the…
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Addressing workplace loneliness in people living with a terminal illness

Joanne Smithson, Head of Implementation & Learning, What Works Centre for Wellbeing explains more about the connection between loneliness and wellbeing and being diagnosed with a terminal illness.  How can we support people with life-limiting illnesses to work while they are able to and want to? Our relationships and positive social connections are essential for…
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How can businesses tackle loneliness?

We recently held a workshop at the Loneliness Action Group conference, which was hosted by the British Red Cross and Coop. Here we share some key learnings from the day on how businesses can tackle loneliness. “Forward thinking businesses have led on many major social changes” Forward thinking businesses have led on many major social…
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