Our logo. Campaign to End Loneliness written in white and green text on a black background.
Thursday 14 March 2024

Our legacy update

A gathering of people all huddled in a circle, having a conversation
As you will know, the research, resources, training and case studies the Campaign has published over the past 13 years have only been possible through the generous and collaborative sharing of expertise from a number of individuals and organisations working in this field. That is why we are committed to ensuring these shared resources remain freely available and easily accessible for years to come.

Over the past few months, our team have been working on preserving our legacy, particularly in ensuring our website remains live when we close at the end of April 2024. We are pleased to announce that we are working with the Centre for Loneliness Studies at Sheffield Hallam University who will host and update the Campaign website.

The Centre for Loneliness Studies brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. The Centre carries out internationally recognised, multi-disciplinary research on loneliness, seeking to understand the wider societal explanations for, and potential solutions to, loneliness across the life-course. They work in partnership with key external stakeholders to ensure that their research can be translated into policy and practice. We believe that this approach will safeguard our legacy and provide a place where other organisations can continue to share their knowledge, expertise and learning.

What we are thinking about

Tackling Loneliness in the London Borough of Bromley

Our latest blog is written by Helayna Jenkins, Principal Loneliness Champion at London Borough of Bromley. Tackling Loneliness in the London Borough of Bromley has been high on the agenda since 2019. Through various workshop sessions and meetings with partners, voluntary sector organisations and community groups, their Tackling Loneliness Strategy 2022 – 2026 was developed.
A photo of a young person scrolling on their phone while sitting on the sofa

Loneliness campaign - ways to get involved

The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has recently launched the next phase of the
Better Health - Every Mind Matters campaign. Targeted at 16 - 24 year olds, one of the most
at risk audience groups, the campaign aims to reduce the stigma of loneliness, increase knowledge of where to find support and encourage taking action. There are plenty of ways to support the campaign, including sharing new assets across your social media channels, newsletters and to groups especially likely to be affected by loneliness.

To find out more and get involved, check out the communications toolkit available here or to discuss more bespoke ways to get in touch, please contact: campaigns@dcms.gov.uk
A photo of an older person with a young person with a football in a park

Developing practice-based case studies

On the Tackling Loneliness Hub, we recently held a member co-working session to discuss practice-based case studies. Our latest blog post summarises the main takeaways and insights from our discussion.

We are proud to have run the Tackling Loneliness Hub on behalf of the DCMS since 2021. Although our involvement in the Hub will come to an end on 31 March 2024, the Hub is here to stay and will be managed by a new organisation from April onwards. Join the Hub to connect and collaborate with over 850 members working on loneliness and continue the conversation.

Key takeaways from the Next Five Years conference

Re-engage's interim head of impact Jess Doyle and impact and evaluation manager, Georgina Everett, and engagement officer, Sam Higgins, share their thoughts on our conference. The event explored the current landscape and considered what the emerging work and trends within this sector may be over the next five years.
A photo of a group of people huddled.

What is 32 Steps to Togetherness?

Civil Society Consulting has developed a resource for combating loneliness and social fragmentation from the bottom up - through small but significant actions. The 32 Steps manual provides practical suggestions for how we, as individuals and community leaders, can build connections within and between communities, setting out ideas for how to change our thinking habits, foster community connections, encourage workplace inclusivity, and recognise the political nature of building diverse social networks.

On our reading list

Changing the narrative: Loneliness as a social justice issue

This paper argues that the dominant narrative around loneliness contributes to further setting those who feel lonely apart from the rest of society. It proposes that attention to individual factors needs to be complemented by the acknowledgement that loneliness is heavily determined by social and structural conditions that render it unequally distributed in society, a situation that qualifies loneliness as a social justice issue.

Purpose in life moderates the relationship between loneliness and caregiving stress among family caregivers of people with mental health problems

This study investigates whether the sense of purpose in life moderates the association between loneliness and caregiving stress among family caregivers of people with mental health problems.

Dates for your diary

Understand more about the psychology of Loneliness and Social isolation

19 March - 14:00 - 15:30 - Online

Join The Good Practice Mentor Team join to find out when and why people are lonely, and how you might start to help them tackle this loneliness. Time to Shine in Leeds, and the 13 other Ageing Better partners across England set out to use a range of techniques to reduce social isolation and loneliness in people 50+. Along the way they found out more about how social isolation and chronic loneliness can affect people, and some techniques that worked to reduce loneliness.

Connecting for Wellbeing: An Audience with US Surgeon General Dr. Murthy

19 March - 16:00-17:00 - London

Join Mary McHarg, UCL’s Students’ Union President in conversation with the United States Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, to discuss the importance of relationships in maintaining our wellbeing at university.

Global Intergenerational Week

24 to 30 April

Global Intergenerational Week is an annual campaign celebrating all things intergenerational. The campaign looks to inspire individuals, groups, organisations, local/national government, and NGOs to fully embrace intergenerational practice, connecting people of different generations in intentional, mutually beneficial activities.

National Youth Mental Health & Loneliness Conference 2024

4 June - 10:00 - 18:00 - Nottingham

This event by The Wolfpack Project will provide a learning platform for mental health professionals, service users, researchers and everybody interested in the field; drawing together expert speakers and organisations that share innovative solutions and initiatives that help dissect and tackle the ever-growing youth mental health and loneliness crisis across the UK.

Loneliness in the Workplace- Building Connections

13 June - 12:00 - 13:00 - Online

This webinar will discuss Loneliness Awareness and Detection, Creating a Connected Workplace, and Loneliness Mitigation Tactics. You will gain insights into recognizing signs of employee loneliness, equipping HR professionals with the ability to identify and address isolation within the workforce. Learn strategies to foster a sense of community and connection among employees, including practical approaches to building supportive relationships within teams and across the organization. Explore effective interventions and initiatives to mitigate loneliness in the workplace, offering practical tools and resources to enhance employee engagement and create a more socially connected work environment.

NextFiveYears Conference

Anytime - Online

If you were unable to get a ticket to our recent conference, you can access all of the panels and keynote discussions through our recorded sessions. You won't be able to interact with other delegates or speakers, but all the sessions will be available for you to view up until the end of April.

Get in touch

Do you have news or thoughts that you would like to share with people working on loneliness and others who are interested? Email info@ctel.blazeoven.co.uk.uk
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