Our logo. Campaign to End Loneliness written in white and green text on a black background.
Wednesday 15 November 2023

Co-designing social care services to tackle loneliness: Research on the AEBCD approach

Sara Ryan from Manchester Metropolitan University and Jane Maddison from University of York recently completed a research project, funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, to explore whether an effective approach to co-designing improvements in healthcare would transfer to a social care setting, using loneliness support as their exemplar. This approach – Accelerated Experience-Based Co-Design (AEBCD) – brings together people who provide and draw on support to identify shared priorities for improvement and work up practical solutions.

What we are thinking about

Loneliness: the next five years. Campaign to End Loneliness international conference. Thursday 8 February 2024. 10am - 5pm online

Win a copy of Know Your Own Power by Dr Rhada Modgil

We invite you to submit a poster presentation for our Loneliness: The next five years conference so that we can showcase the very best research and practice happening globally to address loneliness.

The winning entries will be asked to present their work during a panel session at our conference on Thursday 8 February 2024 and will receive a copy of Know Your Own Power by Dr Rhada Modgil.

Dr Radha, who will also be speaking at our conference, says:

“I wrote this book because I don’t want anyone to feel alone whatever is happening in their lives. All of us will go through crisis and challenge, and I want to be a friend, a guide and a voice through this book, to help inspire and motivate you to go looking for your power, find it, dust it off and let it show you what it can do for you.”

To enter the poster competition and be in with a chance of winning Know Your Own Power, please complete the submission form by Monday 4 December at 9am.

Tackling Loneliness Hub

Looking to connect with and learn from others working on loneliness? Join the Tackling Loneliness Hub, an online learning and exchange community that we run on behalf of the DCMS. You’ll have the opportunity to attend free workshops and events, and share your own insights on what works in tackling loneliness.

Coming up is a member co-working session on Loneliness Evaluation (Thursday 30 November, 12pm - 1pm) to chat about loneliness evaluation in a safe and supportive space. Then on Wednesday 6 December (11am - 12:30pm) join us for a Research showcase: The latest research on loneliness from the Hub community to hear from members about their research on loneliness and discuss how this research can be applied to practice.

Built Environment through a Well-being Lens

The new OECD WISE Centre report 'Built Environment through a Wellbeing Lens' explores how the built environment (i.e. housing, transport, infrastructure and urban design/land use) interacts with people’s lives and affects their well-being and its sustainability. It addresses social connection alongside other dimensions of wellbeing in the context of the built environment and references the Campaign's own report on the subject.

What we are reading

Social-ecological factors influencing loneliness and social isolation in older people: A scoping review

This article draws on a socio-ecological model as a basis to distinguish individual/interpersonal factors that impact loneliness and social isolation from community/societal level factors. Community and societal level factors and interventions may have a population level impact and so be particularly effective but there is less research on them. The study involved a scoping review of research to identify evidence of the impact of such factors on older people. After searches and screening, 52 studies were included. The most commonly studied factors were neighbourhood safety and cultural practices. The least researched factors were neighbourhood disadvantage, open green spaces, housing diversity, and political participation.

Review: Interventions addressing loneliness amongst university students: a systematic review

This narrative systematic review stems from concerns about high levels of mental health problems and of loneliness among university students, and about the proportion of students seeking help from university mental health services. The review examined evidence from interventions for university students which were either targeted at addressing loneliness or were aimed at supporting broader participant wellbeing. The authors note that ‘evidence from the RCTs suggests that most interventions had a beneficial effect on loneliness outcomes, including ones in the psychoeducation, reflective exercise, social interaction or social support group categories. Two thirds of interventions conducted in a group setting and measured quantitatively reduced loneliness scores.’

Dates for your diary

Loneliness in young people: Raising awareness and offering support in schools

Thursday 16 November - 16:00-17:00 - In-person

This one hour talk from Dr Laura Riddleston will explore what we know about loneliness in youth, and ways in which education professionals can best support young people in school settings who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness or social isolation.

Building connections in community to reduce social isolation and loneliness

Monday 20 November - 9:30-10:30 - Online

Join the Good Practice Mentor team to learn about Torbay Communities' approach to building community connectivity over the last 10 years.

Winter hubs: finding the older people you’d really like to welcome

Tuesday 21 November - 10:00-11:30 - Online

The Good Practice Mentor Team will be sharing insight from older people around preconceptions and barriers to engagement with a focus on ‘warm winter’ spaces. They will look at how to describe and pitch your ‘winter space’ offer –using language and images to address barriers to engagement and provide an effective steppingstone to engagement.

Stronger Together Co-production Toolkit

Wednesday 22 November - 11:00-12:00 - Online

The Stronger Together co-production toolkit is a rich, diverse, and accessible resource born out of an 18-month project to share the co-production expertise of 14 Ageing Better programme areas from across England, under one umbrella. During this webinar The Good Practice Mentor Team will walk you through the toolkit explaining how to get the best out of Stronger Together and the different ways that you can use it to set up, develop and embed a co-production culture within your organisation or community.

Loneliness explored: introduction to loneliness e-learning module

Anytime - Online

Our introductory e-learning module is designed to help individuals understand the causes and effects of loneliness, and what to do if we or someone we know is feeling lonely.

"It has helped me to think in new ways about loneliness and how it may be alleviated. The additional resources are also much appreciated and will be very useful." - learner feedback

Donate to the Campaign

We're a small team with big ambitions. We want to end chronic loneliness and we need your help to do it. Your money goes towards helping us to generate new evidence and bring communities together to share research and practice to make a difference to people’s lives.

People of all ages need connections that matter. Together, we can end loneliness.

Get in touch

Do you have news or thoughts that you would like to share with people working on loneliness and others who are interested? Email info@ctel.blazeoven.co.uk.uk
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