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Wednesday 18 October 2023

Join us for our online international conference

Loneliness: the next five years. Campaign to End Loneliness international conference. Thursday 8 February 2024. 10am - 5pm online

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on the themes and topics you would like to see at our upcoming international conference taking place on Thursday 8 February 2024. We are delighted to share that you can now book your place.

The event will host an amazing list of speakers - experts in the field of loneliness practice and research from around the world - and explore the key issues that are important to you.

The event will take place online via Zoom, and you can purchase tickets at a cost of £20 per person. A limited number of concessionary tickets are also available for anyone who wants to come but is not able to afford this cost. If this applies to you, please email us at info@ctel.blazeoven.co.uk.uk

What we are thinking about

Building Connections: An NSPCC support service for young people

We heard from Shaun Friel, Director of Childline, on how their Building Connections online service works to address loneliness for young people up to the age of 19. Working with a trained volunteer befriender, the young person is supported to develop their emotions around loneliness, build their confidence, self-esteem and find new ways to cope through a seven-stage process.

Digital inclusion as a means of addressing loneliness in later life

Age UK is a charity that provide information, advice, and support to older people across the UK. In this Tackling Loneliness Hub blog post, Lauren Coppin from the Digital Inclusion team shares findings from their current Digital Champions Programme, and how it is positively impacting the lives of older people.

Building Connected Communities 2023

Last week, the Building Connected Communities 2023 event - an action forum for leaders working to address social isolation, loneliness, and connection - took place at Harvard University, the surrounding Boston community and online. Recordings from the event are now available.

What we are reading

Gender Differences in Loneliness across the Lifespan: A Meta–Analysis

This study seeks to provide clarity following inconsistent findings and hypotheses regarding gender differences in loneliness in previous research. The analysis showed that loneliness was significantly greater among males but that this difference was very small and when stricter inclusion criteria were used (only studies with large samples) the difference was non-significant. Findings varied according to age (small significant differences were found for children, adolescents and young adults but not in older age groups). Differences also became smaller in more recently published reports. The authors emphasise the small size of the gender difference, that it should not be assumed that men are lonelier than women and that it is important to develop and offer interventions for both.

Loneliness, coping practices and masculinities in later life: Findings from a study of older men living alone in England

This qualitative study focused on the intersection of masculinities and older age and the coping strategies used by older men who were living alone to address their loneliness. It involved semi-structured interviews with 72 men aged 65 to 95. Findings are included that some men did not feel able to talk to friends or family; and while some experienced social inertia and became ‘stuck’ in loneliness, others were motivated to ‘get on with it’ and find solutions to address their feelings; a strategy of keeping busy was sometimes used but this could also reinforce feelings of loneliness; engaging in creative activities was helpful for some. Strategies are considered in relation to masculine identities reflected in the interviews.

Dates for your diary

Befriending Networks National Conference

Wednesday 1 November - 9:30am - 12:30pm - Online

Join the Befriending Networks National Conference as they launch their celebrations of Befriending Week 2023.

Loneliness in young people: Raising awareness and offering support in schools

Thursday 16 November - 4pm - 5pm- In-person

This one hour talk from Dr Laura Riddleston will explore what we know about loneliness in youth, and ways in which education professionals can best support young people in school settings who may be experiencing feelings of loneliness or social isolation.

Building connections in community to reduce social isolation and loneliness

Monday 20 November - 9:30am-10:30am - Online

Join the Good Practice Mentor team to learn about Torbay Communities' approach to building community connectivity over the last 10 years.

Loneliness explored: introduction to loneliness e-learning module

Anytime - Online

Drawing on our expertise in loneliness and connection, our Loneliness Explored e-learning module is designed to help individuals understand the risk factors for loneliness and how it can affect our mental and physical health, as well as promising approaches that can help.

Donate to the Campaign

We believe that people of all ages need connections that matter. We have been experts in the field of loneliness and connection since 2011 and our vision is that everyone can live a life free from chronic loneliness.

Get in touch

Do you have news or thoughts that you would like to share with people working on loneliness and others who are interested? Email info@ctel.blazeoven.co.uk.uk
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