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Wednesday 23 August 2023

Alone No More: Combatting loneliness in young people

Molly delivering a workshop to practitioners on behalf of UK Youth at Youth Focus North East event on loneliness in barnsley.
Molly Taylor is a passionate activist dedicated to combatting youth loneliness both locally and nationally over the past couple of years. In our latest blog post, Molly shares her journey into youth loneliness activism, and the work she leads to ensure no young person feels alone.

What we are thinking about

Close-up of a woman in profile. She is holding a pen and behind her is a whiteboard with writing on it.

Coventry, Captured: A Convening of Convenors

We recently joined the Relationships Project in Coventry for a 'Convening the Convenors' event. This write-up explores the main themes which emerged from our discussions on how we can work together to achieve a more relationship-centred world.

Local Authorities and Tackling Loneliness

The British Red Cross and Campaign to End Loneliness are conducting research exploring local authorities' interest in tackling loneliness and connecting communities, the associated barriers and opportunities, and how central government can support them. If you work for a local authority in any capacity, please fill in the survey to help inform our work across Government to ensure the role of local authorities in tackling loneliness & connecting our communities is best supported.

The Weaponization of Loneliness

To defend America against those who would exploit their social disconnection, they need to rebuild our communities. This article is written by Hillary Rodham Clinton , a former U.S. senator and secretary of state, and the first woman to win a major party’s nomination for president of the United States. She is the author of What Happened.

What we are reading

Loneliness and Social Isolation in Old Age

This book is a seminal guide to loneliness and social isolation in old age, providing a comprehensive overview of the important correlates of socioeconomic, health and lifestyle factors upon loneliness and social isolation in old age. It shows the importance of identifying factors associated with loneliness and social isolation among older adults from a broader perspective, and includes discussion of a range of topics including income poverty, physical activity, family care and frailty.

Loneliness and Scholastic Self-Beliefs among Adolescents: A Population-based Survey
This paper builds on evidence of the influence of positive peer relationships on improved academic functioning/outcomes during adolescence. The study draws on data from 11-, 13- and 15-year-olds who took part in the Danish Health Behaviour of School-aged Children. Findings highlight the importance of fostering positive peer relationships and addressing loneliness in schools.

Experiences of Loneliness Across the Lifespan: A Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis of Qualitative Studies
This paper presents a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies of the experience of loneliness aimed deepening understanding of lived experience at different stages of the life-course among non-clinical populations aged between 7 and 103. Additional sensitivity analysis focused on the extent to which themes were more or less relevant to studies comprised only of children, young adults and older adults. Varied dimensions of loneliness are discussed in relation to the wider evidence base.

Dates for your diary

Member co-working session: outreach communications

6 September - 12.00-12.45 - Online

Are you working on outreach communications and materials to promote your community group or activities as a winter warm space? Come along with a flyer, leaflet or any questions you have on outreach communications to share ideas and receive feedback from peers, and get started on your planning for the winter ahead.

The Good Practice Mentor Offer - taster session

7 September - 10.00-11.00 - Online

The Good Practice Mentor (GPM) programme is a new and innovative project that brings together legacy, learning and resources from Ageing Better, a seven year Test & Learn project that worked to reduce social isolation and loneliness in people aged over 50, and engaged more than 150,000 people in over 366 projects.

Member co-working session: running focus groups

22 September - 12.00-13.00 - Online

Come along to this co-working session to connect with others and learn how you can set up and run your own focus groups. This is a collaborative and supportive session facilitated by Professor Andrea Wigfield (Centre for Loneliness Studies).

Building Connected Communities

12-14 October - 18.00-22.00 BST - Online

Building Connected Communities is hosted by the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University, the Foundation for Social Connection, and Healthy Places by Design with generous support from Einhorn Collaborative. Attendees are invited to participate in plenary sessions, small group workshops, and a half-day field trip to neighborhoods in Boston for learning exchanges with community organizations about their challenges and solutions to foster social connectedness.

2024 International Conference

Save the Date - 08.02.24

Planning is underway for the next Campaign to End Loneliness international conference and we want to hear from you so we can make it the best yet! Have your say in our latest survey which will remain open until 5pm on Monday 31 August.

Loneliness explored: introduction to loneliness e-learning module

Anytime - Online

Drawing on our expertise in loneliness and connection, our Loneliness Explored e-learning module is designed to help individuals understand the risk factors for loneliness and how it can affect our mental and physical health, as well as promising approaches that can help.

Get in touch

Do you have news or thoughts that you would like to share with people working on loneliness and others who are interested? Email info@ctel.blazeoven.co.uk.uk
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