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Wednesday 26 July 2023

Samaritans Talk To Us Campaign: Creating a safe space to tackle loneliness

Two older people sitting on a sofa. They are smiling as the look at a open laptop that is resting on their knees.
For Samaritans, July represents Talk To Us month, where the leading suicide prevention charity reminds everyone that its 23,000 listening volunteers are available 24/7, providing emotional support to anyone struggling. Lorraine, a listening volunteer at Birmingham Samaritans, shares what she’s learnt about loneliness and her experiences of being there for people who need to be heard.

What we are thinking about

The back of a man wearing headphones and a black puffer jacket and bag. He is waiting to cross a busy road.

How loneliness can affect your health, and what you can do to combat it, with Prof Andrea Wigfield

In this podcast episode Instant Genius catch up Prof Andrea Wigfield, director of the Centre for Loneliness Studies at Sheffield Hallam University. She talks about the different types of loneliness we can feel, the risks it poses to our mental and physical health and what we can do to limit its impact.
Two young people sit facing each other on a swing

Developing a new measure of loneliness for young people

Do you know any 8-24 year old's who could participate in a workshop as part of a research project? Researchers at the University of Manchester and Queen Mary University of London are looking for young to take part in a fun and interactive arts workshop focused on loneliness for a research project. If you have any questions, please contact the researchers at lily.veritymanchester.ac.uk (Manchester) and l.riddleston@qmul.ac.uk (London).

Samaritans tips for if you're feeling lonely

Loneliness can affect us at any age or stage in our lives, and there are lots of reasons for why we might feel this way. If you are feeling lonely, having a look at these tips from the Samaritans can be a good place to start. You are not alone.

What we are reading

Ringing the changes: The role of telephone communication in a helpline and befriending service targeting loneliness in older people

This qualitative study explored the use by older people experiencing loneliness of a telephone helpline and associated telephone befriending service. It draws on interviews with 42 service users and focus groups with staff running these services.

The Use of Telephone Help-lines by Lonely Children and Adolescents

This paper from Australia discusses evidence on why lonely young people might choose to access telephone helplines as a source of support and barriers to their doing so.

Publication of the Annual Report of the Director of Public Health on Connecting People and Places: Bringing communities together in East Sussex

This year’s Annual Report of the Director of Public Health focuses on social connections and multi-agency work to tackle loneliness. It is the final in a series of three annual reports looking at the broad social and economic circumstances that together influence health, known as the social determinants of health, in East Sussex.

The Cares Family publishes Building Connection: A Manifesto

This manifesto draws together the policy thinking that they have undertaken in recent years. They hope that it will help policymakers from across the political spectrum with the big and bold ideas needed to tackle the UK’s crisis of social disconnection. The report sets out the scale of the current crisis and why improved social connection is so important for health, wellbeing, democracy, the economy and much more.

Dates for your diary

The Loneliness Epidemic: The Case for Belonging at Work

27 July - 19.00 - Online

Join the Health Action Alliance on Thursday, July 27 as they explore the business case for belonging in the workplace (in the US). Learn how to foster community and shared identity through corporate values, create opportunities for workers to connect through respectful dialogue, and facilitate a collaborative, supportive work environment.

Building Connected Communities

12-14 October - 18.00-22.00 BST - Online

Building Connected Communities invites you to participate in plenary sessions, small group workshops, and a half-day field trip to neighbourhoods in Boston for learning exchanges with community organisations about their challenges and solutions to foster social connectedness.

Loneliness explored: introduction to loneliness e-learning module

Anytime - Online

Drawing on our expertise in loneliness and connection, our Loneliness Explored e-learning module is designed to help individuals understand the risk factors for loneliness and how it can affect our mental and physical health, as well as promising approaches that can help.

Get in touch

Do you have news or thoughts that you would like to share with people working on loneliness and others who are interested? Email info@ctel.blazeoven.co.uk.uk
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